Public Service


The mission of the Island County Auxiliary Communications Service/Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ICACS/ARES) is to support governmental and non-governmental agencies in Island County in times of emergency and when requested, to support non-emergency public service events like the Whidbey Marathon and Tour de Whidbey. 


ICACS/ARES supports both the RACES for Island County and ARES for Whidbey Island and general ICARC public service activities.

For emergencies, ICACS operates under the Island County Department of Emergency Management (DEM). It is headed by the Chief Radio Officer (RO). For non-governmental public service events on Whidbey Island ICACS represents ARRL ARES and ICARC.  ICACS conducts regular weekly nets to practice net procedure and basic communications.  ICACS also provides training in emergency radio operations and portable radio equipment. 

ICACS/ARES also participates in periodic drills and public service events to develop communications skills and procedures.

ICACS Events can be found on the ICARC Calendar

Monthly ICACS Meeting

1st Tuesday of every month, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

Greenbank Progressive Club in Greenbank, WA

3090 S Firehouse Rd, Greenbank, WA 98253


The only requirement to join ICACS is an amateur radio license (any class) and a desire to help your community when normal communications are not functioning.  You may join by requesting a member registration form from Upon receipt of the member information form, you will be invited to join the ICACS Groups.IO site where you can find more information about training and operations.  

Weekly Nets

The weekly ICACS/ARES VHF net meets Sundays at 7:30 pm local time on the W7AVM 146.86/147.22 MHz W7AVM repeater system with  backup frequencies of 146.86 MHz simplex and 147.22 MHz simplex if there is a repeater failure. 

A UHF net will follow the VHF net on the N7KN repeater at 441.425 (+) PL 110.9.

The ICACS HF Net meets at 7:45 pm or immediately after the UHF net on 28.410 MHz (USB).

Net Control Script March 2020

Net Control Roster Feb 23 - Sept 20, 2020

ICARC HF Net Script


The Washington ARES Region 1 OPS 2 net meets each Tuesday morning at 9:30 am on the 146.86/147.22 W7AVM repeater system. Individual operator check-ins are taken after the roll call of fixed stations.  Indicate your callsign and number of operators present at your location when recognized by Net Control.  Following the net on 146.86/147.22, a replica net is run on  the N7KN repeater on 441.425 (+) PL 110.9

Washington State Emergency Net (WSEN): Saturday morning 9:00 AM Pacific on 3.985 MHz LSB

Washington State EOC to EOC Net: Saturday Morning at 10:00am Pacific on 60M Channel 1: 5.3305 MHz USB